Sunday, February 23, 2014


Globalization is a wonderful aspect in connecting countries together.  It is also very beneficial to the entire human race.  Because of globalization, we are able to make more jobs for the people of our countries and other countries.  Sometimes it’s the way to go in the job market is to outsource.  Outsourcing wouldn’t be possible if it were for globalization.  Globalization affected me greatly last summer while visiting the country Panama.  While down there we indulged (and sometimes were forced) in foods that are native to Panama.  But after 3 days of octopus, French fries and chicken nuggets sound like a 5 star dinner.  Because of globalization and the fact that McDonald’s is located virtually across in country, our group got to stray away from the native foods and indulge in our “home” foods.  Globalization is the ideal mind set to have when traveling other places, as well as in every day life.  We come in contact with people from different cultures every day and we enforce globalization without even realizing it.  I’m excited to broaden my view on globalization.  

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